There already are 12 other water systems in the year-old program, and it has a $12 million budget.
One victim was a year-old anti-inflation program supervised by the International Monetary Fund.
But housing experts said that if the year-old program succeeds, it could encourage development of more relatively inexpensive shared-housing projects.
During the day, the year-old program of expanded Medicare benefits was passionately defended as crucial to both the financial and physical well-being of its beneficiaries.
The Vikings also were the first Club to foster the Under 8 and Under 10 year-old program in 1974.
The year-old program financed by the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey brings museum resources to the young patients.
Congress is considering proposals to provide Federal money to help states set up alliances like California's year-old program.
California is the acknowledged leader, but its year-old program so far serves only 14,000 of the state's estimated 800,000 latchkey children.
The year-old program was halted last month because it could not handle the numbers.
But the city will have to adhere closely to a year-old program to take more than 150 steps to protect its water supply, the agency said.