What's the end of the year, after all, without special year-end issues?
While special year-end issues may draw some extra ads, their value comes mostly from increased newsstand sales and the fact that they become a magazine's trademark.
The song went on to be named the No. 1 song of 1990 in Billboard magazines year-end issue.
Last year, Sports Illustrated even ran 50 covers - one for each state - for a year-end issue.
Additionally, readers are given the ability vote for the winners of the year-end awards with ballots being included in special year-end issues.
The publication keeps the tradition of publishing a year-end Special issue that started in 2001.
It was named "Album of the Year" in the 1972 year-end issue of Sounds magazine.
Ad closing for the year-end issue is Sept. 30.
If it's the end of the year, those must be special year-end issues of magazines on the newsstand.
Your year-end issue filled me with nostalgia for those who checked out in 2002.