In a year-end interview, he told Time magazine, "My gut says he will get out of there."
In a year-end interview with the Canadian Press, Harper mentioned that this was "the toughest decision for the government".
In a year-end interview, Ordóñez lashed out, calling the Mets fans "too stupid".
Mr. Bush told Time magazine in a year-end interview: "I know the promise of a new world order if it is done right.
"I think I'm doing a lot better than some think," Mr. Dinkins said on Tuesday at a year-end interview.
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was on Channel 11 three days after Christmas doing a year-end interview.
Those forecasts are pessimistic, as Governor Cuomo also noted yesterday in his year-end interview in Albany.
And as for Mayor David N. Dinkins, he did not mention the city's fiscal situation in a year-end interview with radio and television reporters.
The Mayor, who returned Sunday from a European vacation, has scheduled his traditional year-end interviews with the City Hall press corps for Dec. 26.
"To me, governance is not the right issue for the schools," he said in a year-end interview with reporters yesterday.