From 1858 to 1864 Wagner spent six restless years wandering across Europe.
After these unhappy experiences, Joe spends fifteen years wandering from city to city.
It could have spent millions of years wandering through the solar system before being captured by Earth's gravity.
Paul is upset and spends the next five years wandering around from country to country until he decides to make preparations to meet his son.
I myself have spent years wandering about your territories, investigating them in every aspect.
He spent the following years wandering around Russia, and mastered many crafts.
Corapi spent three years wandering the streets as a vagrant following his mental breakdown.
When that failed he left Russia and spent the next 13 years wandering through Central Asia.
The effect is like being in a tent - perhaps a reminder of 40 years' wandering in the desert.
He spent his military service (1897-99) as a photographer's assistant and the next years wandering across Germany.