What at the time felt like casual and unnecessary purchase several years later saved them from homelessness abroad.
The changes sought this year would save the state at least $200 million more.
Wohlers did have 5 of his 33 saves this year against Houston.
The conventional wisdom was that Fassel needed to have a strong year and a playoff appearance to save his job.
On a $100 million estate, dying next year will save nearly $5 million.
"Having the school closed those years saved the district $21 million," she said.
In the fall, he cuts off the heads of the zinnias, saves the dry seeds and plants them the next year.
That's over a hundred a year saved - if he's right.
His instinct and years of training saved him.
This year the Pentagon has recommended 146 closings or realignments that it says will save $6 billion by the turn of the century.