This comes after two years of clothing prices rising faster than inflation.
In 2001, the first year of the program, the industry's exports to the United States rose by 387 percent, to $359 million.
The death due to urban violence toll that year rose to more than eighty.
A mere five years later that number had risen to about 70 percent.
Senior aides said today that they did not expect their plan to lead to huge property tax rises this year.
Thirty years from now, the amount of water needed to produce our food will rise by at least half, and may even double.
By then the number of tourists coming to Sopot every year had risen to almost 1,200.
Every year or two, the starting pay at New York's leading firms rises yet again.
It receives over 15,000 calls a year and the number is rising all the time.
Five years on to 2009, and the number of abortions has risen to 189,100.