Yet thirty-two years later in 2004 the third edition reported that:
A year ago the company reported that its share of the market had gone to 29 percent, from 25 percent before the campaign.
Last year a commission reported on legal aid in British Columbia.
The company has never paid a cash dividend, and last year reported a loss of $64.8 million, its fifth in eight years.
Many years ago the publisher reported that 400,000 copies had been sold.
Construction required five years at a cost variously reported as $100,000 and $150,000.
By 1997, the last year reported to the bureau, 27 percent left by order of a parole board.
Nationally, 33,989 Americans were killed by guns in 1988, the latest year reported.
Six months and a year after giving birth, they reported their current weight and hours of sleep in a typical 24-hour period.
The year before that, however, the agency reported a loss of $251 million.