It's a strategy that's boosted half year profits 45 percent to 3.7 million pounds.
As a result of demand from China, the 2011 net year profit increased fifteen times the 2010 result.
It made strong gains, up 8.9p at 100.5p, after its said full year profits were likely to slightly exceed analysts' expectations.
This year profits are still lagging, having fallen by 8.3 percent in the first quarter, to $128.4 million.
Banks were the top casualties after Citigroup reported a 6% growth in full year profits, which was smaller than had been expected.
Note that this is not the same as expected losses, which are covered by provisions, reserves and current year profits.
A increase of 94% than the previous year profit of 1050 crores.
Last year profits fell 3 percent, to $78.7 million, despite a modest sales increase to $3.5 billion.
Last year profits were $2.5 million on revenues of $27 million, which is considered strong by Chinese standards.
Harrisons and Crosfield reported that half year profit before tax rose by 12% to £40.6m.