It is hoped that the club will quickly reach a membership of 20,000, with a year on year increase after that.
Under the 2009-2012 contract extension, teachers receive an average of 3.59 percent a year increase in salary.
The community college operating budget just approved by the General Assembly for next year represents a one- year increase of 15.5 percent.
However, there has been a significant year by year increase.
In 2007 there was a year on year increase in listeners to the slot of 160,000.
Moreover, there is a year by year increase in abduction cases.
At 5,000,000 a year increase, her total increase in the intervening seventy years must be 350,000,000.
This is the stations 10th consecutive quarter yielding year on year increase.
Low income families will have welcomed a £30 a year increase in child tax credit - even if it is only 60p a week.
Encouragingly there has continued to be a year on year increase in competitor numbers.