Their first year established a special identity for the gallery and proved to a larger audience the increasing importance of the space.
He had only a single game in 1946, but the following year established his place in the side and scored four hundreds.
The last thirty years have not therefore established precedents for the future.
Those years had established - or perhaps one should say clarified - his entire political agenda.
"They have had many years to establish themselves among us," Picard replied.
Duane was given five years 'with no questioned asked' to establish the school.
Stars can make more money, but it takes years of hard work and low pay to establish a scientific career.
Paine's later years established him as "a missionary of world revolution."
By 1993, a single year of extensive surveying established that it was the longest in the world.
Today, over 130 years since Dunne first established it, the city numbers about 1,000 residents.