A few years later Chomsky would describe it this way:
Three years after the city was founded, a visiting European described a thriving commercial city.
Or perhaps dignity is the armor you don when you've spent years listening to your daughter describe sexual abuse.
Three years behind the bloggers it may be, but at last mainstream media has described the 'credit crunch' as the insolvency of most banks.
The sale agents engaged that year described the esate thus in their catalogue:
In July 2001, he retired after 27 years in a job like the one described above.
The same year, Fodor's described its food as "delicious."
Two years into its quest to create a new kind of Internet-enabled computing it describes as .
According to his obituary he suffered for many years with a condition described as "asthma" and that this was the cause of his demise.
Ms. Light's four years in the city describe a particular domestic progression for a 20-something New Yorker.