It shows you how the last 70 years are culminating now.
In the late 1990s, years of debate and scientific study culminated with the re-detoxification.
The second year culminates in a large-scale theatrical project and a film festival.
Eight years of rigorous training culminated in this moment.
The past two years had culminated in this.
His four years there culminated in him becoming head boy, and he credits this time as a turning point of his life.
The year culminates with students working in small groups to propose a community- based project on topics such as child literacy, recycling or poverty.
She was arrested several more times in the next few years culminating in a sentence of eight months for damage to letterboxes.
All my years of humble but single-minded service culminated in that moment of revelation.
The year culminates with an independent science project, which is developed throughout the year and displayed at the science fair.