A hundred light years amounted to about a thousandth of the distance across the galaxy.
The department estimates that working time lost because of injuries last year amounted to 12,787 days.
The past two years of effort amounted to nothing.
All of the jobs pay the miniumum wage and are paid for by a Federal grant, which this year amounts to $33 million.
In the 1950's, production amounted to about 50,000 cases a year.
Seven years amounts to a yawning stretch in the prime of any filmmaker's creative life.
This population grew steadily until the year 1940 amounted to 1,215 people.
In contrast, recent years have amounted to a grand experiment, or series of them.
Five years amounts to a considerable reduction; even a period of seven years is not very much at all in this instance.
The work took two years and the total cost amounted to more than 75 000 marks.