Beagle began to yaw wildly, and both automatic systems and the crew failed to correct the maneuver.
The Roadrunner, already low-slung for cornering paved city streets, yawed wildly to the left as its tires spun on the gelatinous surface, and when the vehicle slowed, their spinning merely dug wet holes.
The rocket yawed wildly, and then came under control again.
I had only one anchor, and the canoe was yawing wildly on that single line.
The man lurched to his feet and seized the controls, the bird yawing wildly.
The ship yawed wildly for a heartrending few moments before autopilot regained control.
However, the moderator created its own problems, such as heavy bore fouling and causing tracer bullets to wildly yaw.
In response, the ship yawed hard and pitched wildly as the main drives erupted into life.
With no steering control left, she yawed wildly from side to side, but her general course was north - towards the coast of England.
It was yawing wildly.