As he approached he perceived, at some yards from the ruins of the building, an old man surrounded by weeping children.
A large yard and gardens then surround the home on the outside.
A hundred yards of open ground surrounds the camp, land cleared by the once-men as a precaution against what is about to happen.
A few dozen yards to the east, visitors can enter via a broad open-air staircase leading from the boulevard to the Babylonian Court and surrounded by three levels of shops.
There is either no yard or small residual yards surrounding the building.
A little green yard surrounded it, with nothing in it but green grass which Rachel Penhallow swept every day.
A great, muddy yard surrounded it, containing several parked wag- ons.
Fifty yards to the side of the bungalow Gersen noticed a dilap- idated old structure, obviously derelict, surrounded by a copse of blue-black ginsap.
The yard surrounds the school from four directions, and the girls (from both schools) are able to see and play with each other.
The ruts and pools of the muddy path led him to what seemed to be a yard, but a yard surrounded with an unusual number of outhouses.