How cool would it be to have a few of those as yard ornaments?
The two I peeked at were in poor shape, and I didn't think they'd ever amount to more than yard ornaments.
He perceives it as a yard ornament that can "make people less frightened of bats, breaking down barriers, which is one of the missions of all modern art," he said.
He has a talent for making art as well, designing a spa-like window for his home, designs laid with tiles on his kitchen floor, working in wood, cutting and painting yard ornaments and highlighting displays of furniture and appliances.
Both communities discourage fundamentalist churches, tacky yard ornaments, and door-to-door sales.
"Some of the buyers want them as yard ornaments," said Carolyn Hunter, editor of Texas Longhorn Trails magazine.
The society's garden market is open today with yard ornaments, furniture and accessories, container gardens, herbal oils, seasonings, jams and mustards, botanical embroidered linens, baskets, tote bags and toys for children.
Seagulls, gray and white, stood and stared at the water like a flock of yard ornaments.
For years he has been helping out Dracula with his particular collection of yard ornaments and generally tacky stuff, even though he would prefer a more gothic approach to the decoration.
Plants, primitive bird houses, yard ornaments, potting sheds, quilts, herbal vinegars and oils, handmade baskets, candles, soaps, furniture, potpourris, stoneware, and much more are provided by over 95 vendors from Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Colorado and Arkansas.