The yard closed in 1963 after 63 years of operation.
After completing a number of ships, the yard closed again in 1930.
The yard has closed and lies derelict, more than 200 years of family history had come to an end.
Cut down the trees and kept the yard closed till noon every day.
The yard, it turned out, closed in the early 1990's.
In September 1959 the engine shed and marshalling yard closed.
When the yard closed the total output from Yarwood's had been over 1,000 vessels.
The yard closed completely in 1987, and had been cleared by 1993.
That yard closed in the 1970s but the line to just north of it is used by building aggregate services and a refuse transfer station.
In France, the number of employees has fallen from 32 000 to less than 5 000, and many yards have closed.