The traditional festival in Ho is the yam festival which is celebrated around September of every year.
It is a yam festival and it is connected to the worship of the god, Damti.
The new yam festival which often celebrated between August and September starts with the traditional clearing of roads in the town by the youths.
The popular new yam festival is the chief festival in Ikare which is celebrated every June 20.
The new yam festival, organised yearly, has attracted dignitaries and tourists from within and outside Nigeria.
Culturally, illah celebrates her new yam festival every September/October.
He also oversees the important yam festival and kula rituals.
A yam festival is held every year to mark the harvesting of this crop.
In Ekoli, this is done by every woman whose child is up to six before the new yam festival (Ike Ji).
The most important of these is the yam festival, which serves several functions.