How the Australian yachting team won the America's Cup in 1983.
The yachting team originally submitted a challenge from a club in Croatia, which has since been withdrawn.
With the outcome of the 1995 series just about decided, other yachting teams are already jockeying for positions next time.
They say they want the same rights as other yachting teams, which use the inner waters for practice racing and sailing in local regattas.
The discussions between officials in Washington and the Soviet yachting team have not gone so smoothly.
Search your ocean racing clubs and Olympic yachting teams the world over and you will not find men like this.
Although Italy has chased after the cup twice before, this is the first time its yachting team has been the challenger in the finals.
But today it came closer than any other yachting team in Kiwi history.
But the odds are less favorable now that three other international yachting teams have shown the same kind of speed and performance.
Or a yachting team might choose to drastically change one of its two new boats, based on results from a new but unregistered test boat.