It can be a good place to kick back for a few days, particularly during quieter times.
Why not kick back for a few weeks and give yourselves a long, sweet summer of love?
It isn't a bad idea to kick back after the kind of academic stress students go through at demanding schools.
When do we get to kick back for six or eight hours and watch a ball game?
He plans to kick back this summer, hang out, see friends, maybe meet some girls.
"It's a chance to be social and kick back with friends."
Slightly kick back your left foot but keep toes on the floor.
She kicked back with her heel and hit him in the mouth.
Customers can kick back on a couch and listen to music.
He was about to kick back but thought better of it.
The fingers relaxed and she lay back with her eyes closed once More.
For a moment he lay back with eyes closed, feeling the rain on his face.
He lay back with only his nose above the surface, and then not even that.
He lay back with both arms crossed behind his head.
With that the Indian smiled, laid back his head and died.
She lay back with her lower legs hanging off the bed.
He did not speak for a few moments, but lay back with closed eyes.
Richard laid me back on the pillow and left the room.
Sometimes you have it so laid back that nobody does any work.
He let go, and lay back with a small groan.