Only now are the stories leaking out, the paper said.
After the news leaked out, was it hard to face the town?
And life force was leaking out as the pressure built up.
Life seems to have many more problems when your needs start leaking out.
Or else they wouldn't care so much about hard evidence leaking out.
Still, it is Washington, and information has a way of leaking out.
When things got into his head you just had to wait until they leaked out again.
So far, no word of these events had leaked out.
The truth of what he'd done had never leaked out.
But news of who he was and what had happened eventually leaked out.
Later, when questions started to be asked, things would start to come to light.
By the first scene, real time and place come to light.
During this time, more information about his past was coming to light.
Two training books have also come to light this month.
In the early 21st century, the house's past again came to light.
Nothing in the way of a special power came to light.
Maybe it would make sense later, when other information came to light.
But here is what has come to light on some of the key points.
Once again, action was taken when that came to light.
In 1960, new information about the case came to light.
Yet opportunity rises to the surface like oil on water.
How long could it be before that pain rose to the surface?
If the same spot always rose to the surface, it wasn't.
"The area has a lot of growth potential, but you have to use your best judgment as to what will rise to the surface."
In the early evening we rose to the surface, and found the sea less heavy.
Morris rose the four feet to the surface to take another look.
It rose at last to the surface of my mind.
Tom now decided to tell his father the news and rose to the surface.
A moment later Tom gave the order to rise to the surface.
"It will rise to the surface and lead them to think we are down for good," he said.