In the 11 years since her diagnosis, Katherine Mucciolo, of Floral Park, has suffered spontaneous fractures in bones throughout her body, until she wryly refers to herself as an eggshell.
Ms. Enck wryly refers to her wing of the building as "the unarmed side of the Capitol" - less security, but more recycling bins.
Reflecting on the events that led to his nomination, Justice Blackmun referred to himself wryly as Old No. 3.
Even with her "spouse problem," as she wryly refers to it in her book, Hillary's polls have shot up since the publication of her sisterhood-is-powerful political manifesto, cleverly masquerading as confessional victim and self-actualization literature.
He took pains to note that at 52, he was hardly over the hill and, referring wryly to Richard M. Nixon's famous premature farewell, said: "I seriously doubt if this will be my last press conference."
During the hearing, Mr. Obama wryly referred to Mr. McCain as "my pen pal."
Cotton wryly referred to herself as "the assistant".
Mr. George today referred to Mr. Fiers wryly as "my then-trusted colleague."
She was to refer to them wryly as her 'yearly knitting', but they are classics of their kind, deftly constructed with strong characterization and a meticulous prose style.
Throughout his career, Dr. Luns wryly referred to his predicament as a public servant with strong personal views.