It was a wry comment, clearly intended as a joke.
"Humor vocalized in wry comments at critical moments," he said.
If her wry comment made millions of American women laugh, it's because they can afford to.
And Randall's perspective as a woman in a field where men hold 90 percent of all faculty positions makes for some wry comments.
Even then, Beene was beginning to make his own wry comments on the fashion scene.
Fryer's sculpture is a wry comment on this hidden history and the site's current use as a country park.
The painting may be read as Watteau's wry comment on his mortal illness.
This wry comment on how little most of us were likely to accomplish in life, no matter how long we lived, isn't my own invention.
He is always respectful of other cultures, but sometimes makes wry comments.
'Well, perhaps the presentation could be improved' was the wry comment of one prisoner.