This, he said, will lead to the discovery of valuable but different abilities in children who are wrongly labeled as learning disabled.
Mr. Goldhagen acknowledged that the photo, which was supplied to him by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, was wrongly labeled.
But human rights groups say that some people who are critical of Government economic policy and of the United States role in South Korea are being wrongly labeled pro-Communist.
So if either the school or the disadvantaged group posts a false decline, the school could be wrongly labeled failing.
She is famous for applying classical education successfully with impoverished students, many of whom had been wrongly labeled as learning disabled by public schools.
The 7" release was wrongly labeled as having "Favours in the Beetroot Fields" as the flipside, whereas it is actually "Strange Communication".
Pla kapong can be seen in aquaria in many restaurants in Thailand, where sometimes this fish is wrongly labeled as "snapper" or "sea bass" in menus.
Terry Press, a marketing consultant with the studio, said that Valkyrie had been wrongly labeled as "the Tom Cruise eye-patch movie".