And you must stop this insane war with the creatures my brother has wrongly called devils.
The church is sometimes wrongly called St. Jacob's.
It was these bikes that were wrongly called "English racer" in the United States.
It is sometimes wrongly called a second-order transition but we shall show below that this is an incorrect use of language.
People have wrongly called it a microprocessor, when that really should be restricted to the processing unit itself rather than the complete microcomputer.
Sometimes wrongly called corsages, flowers worn by men are called boutonnieres.
And he was often referred to as the honorary mayor of the town (though wrongly sometimes called the actual mayor).
It is wrongly called the 'late hit'.
The auction mentioned at the beginning is wrongly called Jordan in some quarters.
Most people think dementia (or senility as it is wrongly called) is inevitable.