The agency also wrongly asserted that a training video given to firefighters had instructed them in the potentially disorienting features of digital technology, the report said.
We do not support the Roybal legislation, as you wrongly assert, because we think it is too costly.
Judge Bork wrongly asserts that Presidential consultation with the Senate on judicial nominations violates the constitutional separation of powers.
It has been widely but wrongly asserted, for example, that the Act rendered invalid any marriage involving minors, i.e. those under 21, unless parental consent had been given.
But Mr. Barr asserted wrongly that his Justice Department was handling the case credibly.
It accuses them of promoting biased research, wrongly asserting that nicotine was not addictive and aiming their products at children.
City Hall wrongly asserted this week that there was no teacher shortage.
He wrongly asserts, for example, that Kerry branded him (and every other Vietnam veteran) a war criminal.
Mr. Dugger wrongly asserts that a "hacker" is a threat, because the voting machines cannot be connected to a central computer or network.
Incidentally, he also asserts wrongly that Richard Nixon's "Christmas bombing" of Hanoi in 1972 made peace possible.