"It's a wrongheaded approach," Robert Lapp, a vice president for government affairs, responded.
If despite their wrongheaded approach, the right-wing critics manage to encourage more openness, that might help save the valuable system some seek to destroy.
They are extreme versions of the many wrongheaded approaches to television, which range from the dismissive on one side to the happy-go-lucky on the other.
To the Editor: Jeffrey D. Sachs's June 4 Op-Ed article is consistent with the wrongheaded approach he has taken on Russia for several years.
Here, she sets out to humanize this dehumanized population and expose the jail's - and by extension society's - wrongheaded approach to men who break the law.
Many analysts say that is a wrongheaded approach but will lead to precisely what the government wants: more time for the economy to recover and for the banks and others to fix their own problems.
That may explain why he goes berserk when a journalist tries to tinker with his image, but it still represents an odd and - it now seems - wrongheaded approach to commerce.
It was a wrongheaded approach, especially at 1 a.m., but a suitable ending to Hollywood's big confused night.
If it is canceled, this will be further evidence for those who predicted that the networks that were trying to beat WB at its teen-age game were taking a wrongheaded approach.
His story, he admitted, is a "perfect parable" for society's chronically wrongheaded approach to the complicated problem of addiction.