He sued the federal government in 1992 for compensation over being wrongfully charged.
Officer Rodriguez will now undergo a psychological evaluation while Internal Affairs investigators review his prior arrests to see if any people were imprisoned or wrongfully charged based on his testimony, officials said.
A short while later, David is arrested by the police and wrongfully charged with the crime.
"It is our position that he is being wrongfully charged," Mr. Weiswasser said as he left his Manhattan offices this afternoon to be with his client in Middletown.
At first he was a desperate Hispanic refugee, fleeing his home-moon of Callisto when wrongfully charged with a crime.
Stahl falsely tells Internal Affairs that Agent Tyler shot Edmond and framed Gemma, admitting that Gemma was wrongfully charged.
Benny (Larry Drake), the mentally retarded office employee, has been wrongfully charged with sexual misconduct.
Shortly after the shootings a woman was wrongfully charged with illegally purchasing firearms for a person she did not know was a convicted felon.
They report reversing the censures imposed by other communities and admitting into fellowship several who were deemed wrongfully charged.
Hopefully someone wrongfully charged will fight and bring a class-action suit against them.