They immediately hit a wrong chord with their new neighbours, the Short family.
So I said, "Am I making the wrong chords?"
However, the performance went wrong, as vocalist Gary Lightbody forgot lyrics and the band played the wrong chords.
This version is memorable as Springsteen has to start the third verse over again after playing the wrong chords on piano.
Bert Sugar, the man with the fedora and the cigar and the ready quip, is respected, but this quote, although essentially correct, struck a wrong chord.
Miss Lizano struggles on, staring at the sheet music as if gasping for air, losing her place, hitting the wrong chords.
In retrospect, the listener will have twinges that this "wrong" chord may not have come out of the blue after all.
She also played the acoustic guitar during some songs and played the wrong chords at the beginning of "X-Static Process".
"Your first question, as you called it, struck the wrong chord."
During one show, there were wrong notes, wrong chords, the tempos were off.