The ability to link to other sites means that some blog writers - and their writing - may become suddenly and unpredictably popular.
Indeed, in recent years, his writing has become sparer, less formal, more direct, in a sense, purer.
A writer since 1995, her controversial writings, statements and comments have become quite acknowledged.
In Singapore, vertical writing has also become rare.
He's exploring more complex relationships and his writing has become more universal.
But Sade's writings are becoming a threat to the crumbling French establishment.
Perhaps he was right: perhaps her writing was becoming too introverted.
She commented on how rusty my cursive writing had become and declared that I needed a lot of practice.
And this must have been very much how the seventy-year-old Beckett felt himself; writing was becoming increasing difficult for him.
Ridiculing academic writing is becoming commonplace these days.