Some writers support the verbal part of their work with images or graphics that are an integral part of the way their ideas are communicated.
It's tough to understand why the show's gifted writers would support the release of what feels like an anthology of juvenilia.
We don't get a sense that any other writers support other clubs.
The writer is supporting these protestors' ideas, not democracy or freedom of speech per se.
While denouncing affirmative action, your writer supports "fiddling" with entrance requirements; he would have us "fiddle" while we burn.
The fact that these three writers would not only support one another but set one another tasks is a heartening sign of artistic altruism.
Unlike professional literary critics, most prominent Russian writers of the time supported the novel wholeheartedly.
Not supported by ancient writers, by Scripture, or solid argument.
Since the cancellation of the book, various academics, writers, and editors have supported Dr. Afzal-Khan in her right to free speech.
Charity, of course, is what the writer supports himself with while he is finishing his novel.