They have what every writer strives for: the ultimate voice.
The writers strove to create a realistic vision of an American city based on their own experiences.
And Doug Worgul has done what all great writers strive to do: make you crave for more.
James Joyce once remarked: "He [Hemingway] has reduced the veil between literature and life, which is what every writer strives to do.
But that might just be one of the effects that this wily, entertaining, tantalizingly perverse and abundantly gifted writer strives for.
The writers strive to be "cute."
Instead, Gilbert and Gubar claimed that female writers should strive for definition beyond this dichotomy, whose options are limited by a patriarchal point of view.
Cicero feels that the Attic writers of Athens exemplified such criteria and strove to be better than the best in their oratory.
Yet some writers strive instead for eloquence.
Friendship with Kerouac or Burroughs might also apply, but both writers later strove to disassociate themselves from the name "Beat Generation."