In the 1870's, a writer remarked: "No record of previous wars can surpass those of the years between 1861 and '71.
Of her poetry a writer in the Christian Examiner remarked that it was "impossible to find fault.
Numerous critics and writers have remarked on the feminist overtones of Thelma & Louise.
Nationally known and local writers have frequently remarked on the solitude and visual appeal of Church in the Wood.
Pausanias and other ancient writers remarked on the pipe-like corridors of the Valley, clearly meaning the tombs.
From the greatest masters to the humblest scribblers, writers have often remarked on the pains of their craft.
The writer remarked on his preference for reading the previous "two or four" chapters carefully to ensure consistency in the story.
The writer justly remarks the equal adaptation of the philosophy in question "to the finest minds, and to the least cultivated."
Even Protestant writers remarked that he was the sincerest friend to the Native Americans.
Several writers have remarked on Mommsen's ability to interpret personality and character.