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The writers opine that attitudes of Muslims today have a basis in the Islamic religion itself.
Ten writers opine, and there's no consensus.
One writer opined that Shevlin made his reputation when he brought the Minnesota shift to Yale in 1910.
But a writer in The Independent newspaper opined that Elton's assault was "like watching an elderly uncle being kicked to death by young thugs".
The writer has every right, and is perhaps justified, to opine in this barely suppressed condescending tone as far as the final selections go.
"Hillary is missing in action from the Palin-hating brigade", opined a writer at the Weekly Standard.
As one writer opined, ". . . it does not much feel like Europe when you're there.
However, a writer from Newsday opined that "the slick packaging and production are better than Lopez' personal sound."
A recent writer has opined that Jackson tolerated Crutchfield's tendency to sleep late because of his abilities.
Kirkman stated that the writers wanted to "wrap up to a certain extent", and opined that such revelations would add more tension between the characters.