Theosophical writers have also interpreted some Buddhist teachings in unorthodox ways.
In all sorts of texts, such as laudatory poems, chronicles, and travelogues, writers have interpreted the how and why of certain circumstances.
Objectivity Objectivity is the bias or opinion expressed when a writer interprets or analyze facts.
One writer interpreted the song's theme as "some vengeful woman done worked a root on him".
Some modern scholars and writers have interpreted the love between David and Jonathan as more intimate than platonic friendship.
Victorian writers interpreted this as an anticipatory coronation in preparation for his ultimate succession to the throne of Wessex.
Early writers interpreted Epa ceremonies as entirely focused on fertility.
There are several verses in the Qur'an (610-632) which some medieval and modern writers have interpreted as foreshadowing modern cosmological theories.
Some writers have interpreted Marx's argument to mean that an absolute immiseration of the working class would occur as the broad historical trend.
Other writers also interpret the phenomenon as a psycho-spiritual and transformative process.