One writer indicated that the 1947 celebrations seemed to incorporate the entire year, with July 24 only being an apex to the events.
In the document, the writer indicated that he had directed about 25 suicide bombings inside Iraq.
The writer did indicate that he wanted to tell his story.
In response, editors and writers of 52 indicated Anarky would be included in the series.
Some classical writers indicate that the poverty of the Dervish is not merely economic.
Older writers in general do not indicate that they had a congnizance of a Stone Age.
The writers later indicated that they understood the risk of being caught associated with their demands.
Some time ago, a writer indicated that in Torryburn, Fife, the game was called babs.
The writers indicate that an alcoholic "of our type" can under no circumstances become a moderate drinker: only abstinence can lead to recovery.
Early writers indicate it was from father to son.