Many writers have credited this particular period of 7 Seconds' career as being highly influential on many pop punk and indie rock bands that came along much later.
An entertaining writer credited with saving the dying art form of the scientific essay, Dr. Gould often pulled together unrelated ideas or things.
Since then, many writers have credited this novel with focusing Northern anger at the injustices of slavery and the Fugitive Slave Law and helping to fuel the abolitionist movement.
RajshekharVT an eminent Dalit schlor, writer and editor Dalit Voice credited him as Father of Dalits Movements in India.
The same writer also credited her for "the good taste and artistic completeness" of Kean's productions.
A writer from the The West Briton credited Trist as once inspiring locals and have been recorded playing cricket since 1810.
If this all sounds like the print version of the television anxiety show circuit, some writers and publishers gamely credit the programs for creating a tolerant climate for revelations.
Plutarch and other ancient Greek writers credited the legendary Palamedes of Nauplion on Euboea with the invention of the supplementary letters not found in the original Phoenician alphabet.
Many later writers credited Harris with almost single-handedly introducing and developing the sport in India.
However, later writers credited Artemisia with influencing Stanzione's rich light effects and greater classicizing.