And I cannot conceive on what principle those writers contend for a change of system, who support this opinion.
But some established writers contend that virtual publishing is appealing because it offers an opportunity to experiment.
While the "anxiety of influence" is something that all writers must contend with, outright copying is not the answer.
Among other things, the writer contends that "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" is disruptive to a teacher's lesson schedule.
Other writers contend that his remarks are cursory, vague, or incidental to that particular argument.
Some writers contend they are an elaborate fabrication.
As congregation here evidently means college, these writers contend that two can therefore form a college.
During apartheid, writers contended with a government that underscored their importance by banning their books.
This, the writer contends, would reduce the number of seats lost by New York.
Numerous writers have contended recently that old guys should not try to come back, for neither love nor money nor grandeur.