He spends a lot of his time writing jokes for corporate events with his friend and writer, Marty who always does far more work than Rick.
Greaves has written 18 books in partnership with his lifelong friend, the journalist and author Norman Giller.
Most of his songs are written in partnership with his friend, also singer and songwriter Erasmo Carlos.
(c)1962 Channel wrote this around 1959 with his friend Margaret Cobb.
Agnew wrote this song with his friend, Chris Collins.
Smith also has written with his friend and fellow musician Jimmy Buffett.
Both were written with his friend Barrett Tillman.
He has also written several fiction novels and a film story with his friend Chuck Norris.
Mr. Macy wrote the script for the film with his friend Steven Schachter.
Huston went on to write the script with his friend Howard Koch.