Grey continued to write westerns, and took two extended research trips to the Southwest over the next several years.
Howard may have begun losing interest in Conan in late 1934, with a growing desire to write westerns.
Pelot began his writing career by writing westerns.
Mr. Leonard began writing for an advertising agency in 1949 and wrote westerns for two hours each morning before work.
Mr. Cox said he turned to writing westerns because he had flooded the market with books on sports, crime and adventure.
A fan of cowboy flicks, he first tried to write westerns.
He is known for writing and directing various low-budget comedies, westerns, and rancheras.
Since his earliest days writing westerns, he has had the utmost respect for lawmen with class.
He wrote westerns, science fiction and fantasy for pulp magazines.
While growing up in rural California, she wrote westerns.