For example, he wrote to wet leaders falsely claiming to be a brewer and asked for advice on how to defeat temperance activists.
New Komeito has recently begun writing to leaders of other religious groups seeking better relations and pledging to respect the church-state divide.
Writing to the world and Western leaders, Bhutto made it clear and maintained:
Blavatsky's "Masters" supposedly wrote not only to her but also to several leaders of the British community in India.
Nasîhatnâme typically state a clear moral reason for why they are written and presented to leaders; whether piety, or morality, or realpolitik.
The collection mainly consists of letters, written from prison to Chinese leaders, pleading the case for democracy.
The lawyers wrote to Democratic leaders complaining that their years of loyalty had been disregarded.
Simultaneously, he wrote to other patriotic leaders explaining the actual reason for engaging in the talks: to buy time.
A group of schoolchildren, aged four to nine, wrote to European leaders and royals asking for secrets to successful cookery for a recipe book.
The pupils, aged four to nine, wrote to European leaders and royals asking for secrets to successful cookery for a recipe book.