Before recording technology, composers would probably have laughed at the notion of writing only 75 minutes a year, and audiences craved premieres.
Shore watched the assembly cut of the film, and had to write seven minutes of music per day to keep up with the schedule.
Madsen wrote on topics such as cross country truck drivers and the CBS news magazine "60 minutes".
If John Cage could write four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence, who's to say Greaves wasn't doing something similar by not playing?
This made it easier on the writers, who only had to write six minutes of dialogue.
I was tempted to write "fifteen minutes."
Another was "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," for which he wrote 90 minutes of music.
Giacchino has only two or three days to write thirty or more minutes of music.
She aimed to write 18 minutes of script a week.
This was so they could then write five minutes of brand new material to perform at a nerve-wracking gig in front of an all-female audience.