Some time ago, Mr. Lenley wrote me regarding an invention that required financial aid.
He jealously asks Lavinia about what she wrote him regarding Christine and Brant.
He also wrote many scientific articles particularly regarding crustaceans, fish and reptiles.
He wrote several books on the question of eugenism and the responsibilities of mankind regarding its own fate and its place in nature.
It began: "My dear Mrs. Kent, I'm writing you regarding a situation that has developed between your husband and me."
The latter wrote a message to John regarding the nature of Christ, which reads:
As to Australian justice Clifton writes regarding another rape that was witnessed by a party of card-players:
Elder wrote a letter to President Abraham Lincoln regarding the matter.
He also writes regarding the importance of the moral education of children.
In March he wrote to several people regarding the new "air" that he had discovered several months earlier.