Brydges refused, and, fearing an end run, wrote to London recommending against the grant.
On 4 June 1535 Richard Layton wrote to Cromwell recommending Legh and himself as visitors for the northern religious houses.
A fellow officer wrote to Wood recommending that MacArthur's name be put forward for the Medal of Honor.
Ariana Huffington wrote in the Huffington Post recommending the book.
In the letter which Major Regan wrote recommending the Medal of Honor, he stated the following:
His fellow peers, knowing him to be in financial difficulty, wrote to Charles II recommending Castlehaven to his bounty.
The following day, Miller wrote to Harrison recommending Maginnis's removal.
Macquarie graciously wrote to Lord Bathurst recommending the payment of a pension to widow in view of Bent's services to the colony.
However, the same judge also wrote to Texas Governor Edmund J. Davis recommending commutation to life in prison.
Reyes agreed with Carranza and wrote to Díaz recommending that he withdraw support for Garza Galán.