As Dahrendorf perceptively writes, there 'may not be official 'no-go' areas for the police in our cities, but there certainly are such areas for the rest of us'.
Leon Wieseltier writes perceptively about how the White House style combines "pure hearts and dirty hands."
Though sexual orientation provides Yoshino with his primary example of the difficulties of covering, he also writes perceptively about his racial identity.
A few centuries later, Roman literary critics speculated that she was a prostitute - the only plausible career, they thought, for a woman who wrote so perceptively about erotic desire.
An anonymous respondent wrote perceptively that it 'depends on how you cost internal opportunity cost, etc.'.
He was also a published poet of some distinction, and wrote perceptively on the philosophy of art - in particular, on the psychology of metaphor.
He writes perceptively of the failure of Modern city planning, of the architect's responsibility to re-engage the public.
Slouka writes perceptively about the ambiguities of human behavior - both within the ordinary circumstances of marriage, and in the extreme conditions of war.
She wrote perceptively on André Gide (1953), securing him an honorary doctorate at Oxford in 1947.
As critic and essayist, he wrote extensively and perceptively about the luminaries and themes of French culture.