The people who write mortgages have also reported a slowdown in recent months.
Under it, banks and other direct lenders would be encouraged to write mortgages for farmers who could meet a fairly strict, uniform set of credit requirements.
The House bill would require lenders to write mortgages that take into account the borrowers' ability to pay at the fully indexed rate.
Last year set a record for writing new mortgages and refinancing existing ones, Mr. Lereah explained.
Although they do not directly write mortgages, they buy them from the primary lenders, sell them to other investors and guarantee them against default.
Real Estate Section 10* Lenders are refusing to write mortgages on studio apartments.
The thrifts could then write fixed-rate mortgages at interest rates that provided a modest "spread" over deposit cost.
For example, some paralegals help to write contracts and mortgages.
John Garamendi, the California insurance commissioner, says the banks are trying to get out, while insurers don't want to write new mortgages.
Nearly all homeowners have some insurance on their belongings because banks, when writing mortgages, insist that the buyer take out a standard homeowner's policy.