"This case, at first sight, seems to be about little more than a child and his father," the panel wrote in their decision.
"The court rejects any argument which seeks to restrain competition," the judge wrote in her decision.
"Graffiti is not something to be taken lightly," the judge wrote in her decision.
And she wrote in her decision that the photograph was indeed a work of art.
"The state's vision is likely driven by a certain measure of political pragmatism," Judge King wrote in his decision.
Judge Ward wrote in his decision that the suit raised "profound social, political and legal issues."
"The impact of error was overwhelming," the judges wrote in their decision.
The Koran, she wrote in her decision, sanctions such physical abuse.
Justice Hughes wrote in his decision, which came in a case brought by a restaurant.
A serious felony case is no place for on-the-job training, the judge wrote in his 30-page decision, handed down on Aug. 6.