Your task is to write a gift of laughter for your friend.
In an interview with The Republican, Proal revealed that she wrote the song for her friend.
I wonder if this song too was also written for our"Imma let you finish" friend from Chicago.
This work was written by David for his friend, writer Paul Mosher.
So I wrote this book for my friend, with whom I have lived and will die free.
He wrote it in 1894-1895 for his friend the cellist Hanuš Wihan.
I was trying to write a song for my friend and former bandmate who passed away.
"Listen," he said, "I wouldn't write a check for two hundred for my best friend."
"In fact, he has already written most of it for our friend."
Cheng Man-ch'ing wrote a complex prescription for his friend, who took the medicine and recovered fully.