It was a journalist, but Toby Greenslade was one of the rare ones who could write entertainingly about golf, and was a companionable and amusing fellow as well.
His obituary in the Mail said: "His work as a journalist won him a reputation for honest and impartial reporting and he wrote entertainingly."
The success of Dulcamara and La Vivandière had shown that Gilbert could write entertainingly in this form, peppered with the dreadful puns traditional in burlesques of the period.
An easy, fluid stylist, he writes entertainingly about anything, but in Irish racing he has grabbed on to a good thing.
Mr. Brown has tried to write entertainingly about geology.
He would later write entertainingly of his early school days, but recalled one occasion when he was saved from drowning by fourteen-year-old Arthur Ingram, who lived south of Hanging Rock Creek.
The author's reputation rested on his scrupulous attention to detail while writing entertainingly of "people about whose careers there may be considerable disagreement," as he put it.
He writes entertainingly of family trips and stratagems to slip in fishing while spending time with his children.
Closer to our own time, English writers from Shakespeare to George Meredith and Evelyn Waugh wrote entertainingly about wine.