The book has been called engagingly written, wisely researched, and honestly told.
Illuminating in its ideas and engagingly written, the book has long since attained classic status.
They write engagingly about St. Petersburg's stormy history, political and cultural, since 1705.
Mowat writes engagingly and convincingly, but he provides no evidence whatever to back up his claims.
Often enough, he writes engagingly about his travels.
He writes engagingly about these adventures, but nowhere did he find much that was previously unknown.
Star Weiss has put together an incredibly well researched and engagingly written exploration of what it means for a place to be 'sacred'.
Loewenstein writes engagingly, and he provides the background material a nonspecialist needs to follow the intricate story.
She writes engagingly, using dialogue reconstructed from letters, papers and memoirs to capture the spirit of confrontation among the players.
Reading material consisted of government pamphlets as engagingly written as computer manuals composed in Latin.